This is an offlline-online map ,variometer ,gps logger, flight radar and livetrack24 application for paragliding,handgliding etc. for all flying or moving objects.You can use it for all outdoor activities because it supports gps tracking.Application supports livetrack24 online logging.For using this, please first fill the pilot info, Vehicle Type and livetrack24 login user info from settings page. app is using mapsforge and nutiteq map lib for mapping,and getting online plane flight info from flightradar24.Briefly app button properties:The vario button (right-down) enable-disable vario.The info text (left-down) gives info about current case, zoom level,number of gps connected etc.Action bar icons from right to left:1. exit button(on exit it will create igc to sdcardariolog if igc record enabled from settings.)
2. Settings button, settings(see all this options) , setting altitude, set 2d-3d view and clearing map.
3. Create-Edit Task ,Load igc track from your sdcard in 3d view (red,yellow,green) colored upto altitude gain, Clearvariolog button will delete all files in sdcardariolog folder which this app creates igc file in.Map has a quick turn point add wizard: Long pressing on map gives you touched coordinates..and with this dialog you can add point to turnpoint list easily, so if you loaded any igc file to map, you can touch red sides which shows thermals and you can register this point as a turnpoint.
4. Open map file online or offline. For offline maps, it support ".map" & ".tif" files. download link for maps: and for online maps, i insert 3 usefull map in to app, but if you want you can enter the url of map and use it. For online maps check this link. For example, first map link is "", you can past it to url side at the application.
5.Gps operations (last pos,enter coord,status,search,enable-disable gps.)
If you create task, with start - end time, application will be in competition mode automaticaly. Red circle shows active turn point, when you take this point,its color will be blue and next point will be red and go on...
From properties you can enable plane radar function with limiting altitude or distance to your location.With this limitations it will be a plane alarm. It gets data from (JSON DATA) instantly. Please select your region from properties, Default is europe.
Flightlog file path is \sdcardariolog ; creates igc files and settings files automaticaly here.Also you may check my variometer app.